Presentation Details
How can clinicians help patients make decisions that align with their values?

Nadine Shehata.


Shared decision making considers patient values and preferences in selecting treatment options and is particularly useful when the best available evidence cannot clearly recommend one treatment option as when risks are similar to benefits. Shared decision making is distinct from educational materials and incorporates decisions supports to assist personalized decision making by including evidence-based information on options balancing benefits and harms and eliciting individual values. The use of thromboprophylaxis and therapeutic dosing of low molecular weight heparin (LMWH) for anticoagulation for acute venous thromboembolism (VTE) during pregnancy as well as delivery options while using prophylactic or therapeutic LMWH are treatment decisions that have been identified as potentially benefitting from shared decision making. Values and preferences for health outcomes identified by pregnant individuals with VTE and decision supports being explored to assist the shared decision-making process will be discussed.

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